I took this is picture the other morning and it has spoken to me on several levels. It is a visual reminder to me of the time I have to spend during Covid-19 in a
reflective mood. There is so much to think about, so much to get angry about, so much
to be grateful for and so many thoughts in between. The colors in the photo
remind me of the many aspects of God and the infinite possibilities of my own
I ran across a quote recently that is currently inspiring me. It is a saying by a
Hindu yogi – Yogaswami Vedanta:
“If you try to stop the mind, it will only become more active. It is not necessary to stop it. You must ask it where it is going.”
I am finding this a useful tool. When my mind gets active with negative things, I try to pause to “see” where I’m going with that thought. Am I living the life Jesus commanded me to? Am I keeping my blood pressure up by being angry? Am I solving the problem by being frustrated? Or can I find creative solutions to combat the negative feelings?
Whichever way I choose will have an effect on me and how I
move through the world. My choice may also have a ripple effect on those around
me. So the insight for me is to pause,
reflect, pray, and look inside to try to discern where God wants me to go. With help from God, I can change the
way I think, the way I act, the way I choose to be. All that is required is an
open heart, an open mind, and the willingness to “see” where God wants me to go,
how God wants me to be, and how I can reflect the love of God in the world
around me.
May a time of reflection help us to find Peace, to focus on Gratitude, to find ways be Joyful, to develop Patience, and to share the Love of Jesus in all that we say and do.
And may it be so…….
- Jan Barber