Several folks have gotten in touch with me this week and either asked for me for a copy or to publish the positive Ten Commandments we read in worship on Sunday. The idea of stating the Commandments in the positive is not original to me, however this version of them is. So, here you go - The Positive 10 Commandments. (With a little commentary thrown in!)
Stay positive!
Pastor Tim
1. God is all we need.
2. Only God satisfies the deepest longings of our souls. (Not the false idols of this world.)
3. We will speak truly and respectfully of God.
4. We will take a break from work to rest and enjoy God's good creation. (Because life is more than production and consumption and the 24/7 drive to accumulate more.)
5. We will honor and respect those who protect and care for us. (And raise us and pour their lives into us.)
6. We will honor and respect life. (Because it is a gift from God.)
7. We will honor and keep our commitments. (Especially to those whom we love.)
8. We will respect the property of others.
9. We will respect and honor others by being honest and truthful.
10. We will be satisfied with and grateful for the gifts which we have been given.