Wednesday, November 18, 2020

A Message from Pastor Tim

Greetings friends,

As you are no doubt aware, cases of Covid-19 are rising precipitously in our community. The last three days have seen 950 new Covid cases, with each day setting a single day record. There are currently a record 2,263 active Covid cases in Knox County and it was reported yesterday that 7 Knox County residents died due to Covid in the previous 24 hours, a single-day record. Thirty-three deaths have been recorded thus far in the month of November. We do not have this virus under control.

Experts from Johns Hopkins have advised groups larger than 10 people to refrain from meeting together indoors. The University of Tennessee Medical Center released a statement urging the public to follow the five core actions more aggressively. The director of emergency preparedness for the Knox County Health Department asked Knox County residents to change their behaviors in a press conference yesterday, saying, “This is up to you as a community to decide what this looks like. We need you to invest in it…It’s truly up to the community to decide whether behavior is going to be changed and actions are changed to really make an impact over the next few weeks.”

The Session of 2nd Presbyterian Church discussed this situation at its regular stated meeting last night. The Session cares deeply about the safety, health, and well-being of everyone who calls 2nd Presbyterian Church home. We also want to be responsible members of the community and do our part in fulfilling our civic responsibility to not contribute to the further spread of the virus in any way. For this reason, the Session has decided to heed the request of the experts and our civic leaders and change our behavior.

Effective immediately, all in-person worship services are suspended at least through the end of January. The Session will take up this matter again at its next regular stated meeting on January 19th and make any adjustments or further recommendations at that time. Additionally, the Session has also decided to close the church building for the same period of time. The staff will continue to work from both home and the office, the church phone and emails will be answered during normal office hours, and the regular business of the church will continue uninterrupted. However, other than the preschool, the building will be closed to both groups and individuals until the end of January.

This does not mean that the ministry of the church will come to a stop. We will still be engaged in the ministry and mission to which we have been called by Jesus Christ; we will just not be doing it from the building. Committees will continue to meet electronically and we will continue to serve our community in various ways. Worship will continue, returning to our virtual, streaming-only format. Meals for the homebound will still be prepared and delivered. We will still collect stuffed animals for Judge Irwin’s court and still have a hat/glove/mitten tree for Westview’s clothes closet. The outside door to the vestibule will be unlocked during the week so that you may place collection items in there. You will also be able to pick up hard copies of the newsletter and Advent Devotional in the vestibule, if you prefer not to use the online versions.

I know this is going to be a difficult time for all of us, especially as the holidays approach. Please, I beg you, use caution in the next few weeks. Avoid risky behavior. Avoid gathering indoors with others. If you feel the least bit sick (or even just a little weird), stay home. Please wear your masks, wash your hands, and don’t go anywhere unless you absolutely have a need. Show your love for your neighbor by doing your part to decrease the community spread. I know it’s hard. I know it’s challenging. But it’s only for a little while longer.

Stay safe. Stay healthy. If there is anything you need during this time, please do not hesitate to reach out to Pastor Tim (276.525.5202) or Jan Barber (865.765.0437). Don’t call Pastor Sarah, though, as she is on maternity leave for the next 8 weeks! And remember the words of Psalm 62:

God is my rock and my salvation – my stronghold!

I will not be shaken.

God is my strong rock. My refuge is in God.

Trust in him at all times, all you people!

Pour out your hearts before him!

God is our refuge!

Grace and peace…


Pastors Tim and Sarah

1 comment:

  1. Nice to be reading good vid
